¿With the rule you weigh more? The menstrual cycle in women tends to be closely related to the increase or decrease in body weight, not only during menstruation, this also happens before and after menstruation.
To understand well because with the rule you weigh moreLet's see what influences our body to produce this weight change. according to American Dietetic Association There are four changes in weight associated with the menstrual phase, namely:
When the body begins to suffer the monthly cycle, you will probably feel cramps, bloating, fatigue and uncertain mood, but on the positive side when the body is actively bleeding that is when the lining of the uterus getting ready for a fresh blood cycle.
So over time, appetite, desire to eat and the bloating will disappear, in fact the weight drops after the cycle stops.
The follicular phase
La follicular phase is the process of maturation of the ovules and in this phase the body will strive to naturally choose the perfect egg. This makes the hormone estrogen increase.
Unfortunately, the increase in this hormone stimulates the increased body weight and also the lining of the uterus thickens to welcome the embryos that are waiting to be fertilized, this is when your body can slightly increase up to 1 kg.
In the ovulation phase You will feel more energetic but often feel puffy, the breasts begin to tighten and it will also have an impact on weight gain. Some women in this stage also experience excessive demand for water as a response to the hormone.
The luteal phase
La luteal phase is termed as the time after the ovulation. That is the time when ovulation occurs until the first day of menstruation.
In this phase you do not feel swelling for a few days. But a few days later you feel what is commonly known as Premenstrual syndrome.
Bear in mind: all women experience different cycles and if you are taking hormonal contraceptives weight gain can be even greater.
As you can see, it is actually verified that as the period is heavier, although it all depends on our body and how menstruation affects us.
I would like to receive more information like this. Very good note!