Today there are many diets to lose weight, some are not healthy and totally harmful to health and others on the contrary help you lose weight in an effective and healthy way. This time I'm going to talk to you about the alkaline diet, which defends that many of the diseases that occur today are due to poor diet and high levels of acidity that is in the body. In this way, this weight loss plan advises eating a series of foods that have a high degree of alkalinity, which helps reduce the degree of acidity produced by other foods.
The pH level in the body
The pH level is used to measure how acidic the body is. The normal level of pH in the blood it is approximately 7,5. A good diet is essential to have good pH levels and thus avoid the appearance of different diseases. The alkaline diet seeks that the pH in the blood is adequate and promises for this weight loss, good bone health and the prevention of different diseases caused by a high degree of acidity.
Alkaline foods
Those known as alkaline foods are rich in minerals such as sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium. The alkaline diet advocates a balanced diet based on this series of foods. In this way you should incorporate into your daily diet fruits and vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, tomato, or avocado. Nor can they be missing nuts like walnuts or almonds and vegetables like chickpeas or lentils.
Acidic foods
The consumption of acidic foods is essential to achieve a good pH level in the blood. They are rich in minerals such as phosphorus, iron and iodine and can be found in Red meat, a the seafood, In the dairy products or in refined sugar.
Advantages of the alkaline diet
- It is a diet that encourages healthy eating based on such nutritious foods as fruit, vegetables or nuts. In addition to this, it prohibits the intake of fats, alcohol or sugar.
- Follow this type of weight loss plan will help the person shed extra pounds in a healthy and totally effective way. For its part, the consumption of acidic and alkaline foods also help to lose weight in a considerable way.
- Other advantages of the alkaline diet is the prevention of possible diseases such as arthritis, increases energy in the body or helps reduce the level of anxiety in the person.
Disadvantages of the alkaline diet
As with most diets, before starting the alkaline diet it is advisable to go to a nutritionist to assess whether it is a regime worth following or is it better to start with another type of diet. The doctor you will need to do some tests to check your pH level in the blood and know if you need the intake of acidic and alkaline foods. In the event that you are diabetic, it is not recommended to follow this type of diet as it could seriously alter your health.
Tips and guidelines when starting the alkaline diet
Those who defend the alkaline diet, promote that the pH balance makes the memory improve enormously, that the body has much more energy and that sleep quality is much higher. However, it is a type of diet that you cannot start on your own since it is advisable to first go to a nutritionist who will review you and tell you if it is worth starting such a diet.
Next I am going to give you an example of what a daily menu of the alkaline diet could be so that you take note and you can create your own menu.
- At breakfast time you can choose to have a juice made from vegetables and fruits.
- For mid-morning you can have a couple of glasses of water with a piece of fruit.
- At lunchtime you can make a plate of green leafy vegetables. You can combine this dish with some cereal or some legumes since it is convenient that you take proteins of vegetal origin.
- For a snack you can have an infusion or a piece of fruit.
- As for dinner, it is best to opt for low-calorie and light dishes such as grilled vegetables or oatmeal with some fruit.
Other elements that help balance the pH in the blood
Apart from the alkaline diet there are another series of elements that can help you balance the pH in the blood and avoid future health problems.
- Do a little bit of regular physical exercise It helps the metabolism to work continuously and in this way it can eliminate impurities and toxins that are in the body and that can cause the pH to rise excessively.
- It is important to purify the body from time to time. To do this, in addition to drinking water you can make diuretic-type drinks that help clean the inside of the body and eliminate toxins.
- If you want to have a certain balance in the body, it is important that you also have a balance on an emotional level. If you manage to unite mind and body you will not have any acidity problem in the body that can cause problems in the future.
As you can see, the alkaline diet cannot be considered as a miracle diet since you do not seek excessive weight loss in the shortest time possible. It is also not proven that it has a rebound effect towards the person who decides to follow it. In any case, as always happens when starting a particular diet, it is advisable to consult an expert who will advise you whether it is worth following it or not.
Then I'm going to leave you an explanatory video so that it is clearer to you what is the alkaline diet.