Laxative infusions

Laxative infusion cup

Laxative infusions are one of the oldest constipation treatments available. There are a series of plants that have been used for this purpose all over the world for thousands of years.

Find out which plants you can trust when you need a natural laxative, as well as many other things about constipation. A problem that affects everyone from time to time and that most of the time is as simple to solve as sitting quietly to enjoy a hot infusion.

What are the causes of constipation?


A person is considered to have an episode of constipation when the number of weekly visits to the bathroom is less than three. There is talk of severe constipation when the figure is one time or zero. But it should be noted that constipation by itself is not a disease.

Often the cause of constipation is a lack of fiber (vegetables, fruit, whole grains ...) in the diet. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for the reason to be a disease or the side effects of some medication.

Fatigued woman

The intestines work at full capacity supported by a routine, both in terms of schedules and food. Introducing sudden changes in it (as happens when traveling to another country) can cause constipation. The mood is another factor that affects its functioning: stress, anxiety, or depression can prevent you from going to the bathroom regularly.

Lastly, leading a sedentary lifestyle also increases your chances of constipation. Exercising regularly (at least three times a week) will help your stool pass more easily, as well as the overall body to function better.

Plants with laxative effects

Sen plant

The infusions are made up of three parts: the main ingredient (which can be a plant or several), hot water and a sweetener (sugar, honey ...). The latter is optional and its role is to counteract the bitter taste of some plants and make the intake of the drink more pleasant. For its part, the role of water in infusions is also important, since maintaining proper hydration is essential to combat constipation.

It is a mistake to expect the effect of laxative infusions to be immediate. They can take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days, depending on various factors, including whether the laxative power of the chosen plant is mild or strong. Therefore, it is necessary not to forget to be patient and wait for them to take effect.


Sacred Cascara

A very old natural remedy (native to the American continent) to relieve constipation is cascara sagrada infusions. Its taste is quite bitter, but that has an easy solution. What counts is that usually works very well for everyone. You can find it in most natural product stores.


It is considered one of the most effective plants to combat constipation. Native to Asia, senna helps the intestines move stool, just what you need when you have a hard time going to the bathroom. Despite being natural, cascara sagrada and senna are classified as strong laxatives. For this reason, it is advisable not to exceed the amount (a pinch is usually enough) or the time (10 days maximum) recommended.



Although it is best known for its diuretic properties, dandelion can also help with mild cases of constipation. Has a mild laxative effect that you can take advantage of when your body seems to have forgotten to go to the bathroom.


Native to Europe, this popular plant has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of digestive problems, including constipation.



To this plant with a pleasant aroma benefits are attributed to intestinal regularity, as well as for a good functioning of the digestive system in general. Peppermint tea is a good idea to prevent constipation, but it can also help treat it.

Green Tea

It is one of the infusions with a greater number of associated benefits. Some people claim that it is also helpful for treating constipation.

What to eat and what not


Laxative infusions will act more easily on your body if you know which foods help to overcome constipation and which are those that make it worse.

It is advised to eat a lot of vegetables and legumes, whole grains and fruit, especially dehydrated fruit. For example, prunes contain a natural laxative called sorbitol. It is also rich in insoluble fiber, which helps stool pass through the intestines more quickly.

Instead, processed foods, dairy, and alcohol can exacerbate the problem. The case of coffee deserves a separate mention. And, although it helps with bowel movements due to its stimulating qualities, it can also cause dehydration and constipation.

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