Today we find many options to give us that extra push when it comes to losing fat, volume and weight. For today we bring you a combination that promises to burn fat with the infusion of bay leaf and cinnamon, a drink that is the perfect companion to our diet.
This infusion of laurel has very interesting fat burning properties, in addition, it facilitates digestion and intestinal transit by reducing the heaviness and acidity of food.
This drink it is prepared in a very simple wayAll the more reason to give it a try and take it for weeks to see its benefits. On the other hand, there are no economic excuses because all the ingredients we need are relatively inexpensive.
How to prepare the laurel and cinnamon infusion
Below we list the necessary ingredients to prepare the laurel and cinnamon infusion:
- Liter of mineral water
- A branch of cinnamon
- Five bay leaves
Logic and intuition do not fail, we just have to bring the three ingredients to a boil and leave boil for 15 minutesOnce the time has passed, we turn off the heat and let it rest and cool a little so that it is ready to drink.
As you can see, it is very simple and also, a liter of laurel infusion is made, the ideal daily amount to take during the day.
In any case, if you wanted make more infusion, we would just have to double all the ingredients. Easy.
Does it help to burn fat?
This infusion of laurel is not a miracle recipe, whoever takes it will not begin to lose fat instantly, to achieve it you need physical effort, a good diet and a lot of perseverance and willpower to achieve the goal set.
However, this tea can be an extra help to help you in the fight against being overweight, a delicious way to maintain and continue weight loss. In the same way that we can opt for medicines and nutritional supplements to burn fat, we can consume this infusion that speeds up our metabolism and helps our intestines to expel waste.
Consumption this cinnamon and bay leaf drink promises to reduce 8 centimeters in a week of treatment. This is possibly a lot of loss of volume for so few days, each body and organism is unique, however, nothing is lost by trying, as long as it is accompanied by physical exercise and a balanced diet.
Is it taken on an empty stomach?
This infusion it should preferably be taken on an empty stomachLike the vast majority of "miracle" drinks, it is better to drink them at room temperature and even hot than cold, since this way the intestine can assimilate the nutrients of the ingredients well and on an empty stomach so that nothing can interfere with this absorption.
It should be consumed daily to eliminate fat and volume. If we want to notice its benefits and perceive any change we will have to drink at least 3 cups a day, one before breakfast, one before lunch and the last one before going to sleep.
If you don't have a hard time taking it and you enjoy its flavor, you can take it all day, duplicate the recipe as we mentioned and take it whenever you want. Note that it can act as diuretic so you will have more desire to urinate throughout the day.
Does the infusion of cinnamon and bay leaf serve to lose weight fast?
Many people who have tried it claim that you can lose many inches from where you have more fat in a short time. This is due to good properties that have the two main ingredients, we will talk about them later.
As we mentioned, we must be clear about our objective about our body. Each person has a metabolism, eating habits and a more active or sedentary lifestyle. All these factors directly affect our weight, so add this infusion of laurel to our diet for some people it can help them lose weight faster than others. The easiest way to get out of your doubts is to buy a lot of bay leaf and a lot of cinnamon sticks and start experimenting.
You can use both ground cinnamon and dehydrated bay leafAlthough it is preferable to consume it with fresh bay leaves and cinnamon sticks, as it has a better aroma.
Side effects of cinnamon and laurel tea
As in most cases it is not healthy to abuse never or any food for a long period of time as the body can suffer intoxication, we always praise and recommend a moderate consumption of all our home remedies.
As healthy as this cinnamon and bay leaf infusion is we must have some moderation When consuming it, each ingredient separately has its contraindications if we consume it for a long time.
Contraindications of cinnamon
- Your skin can suffer alterations, it could look red and inflamed.
- You can suffer some allergic reaction.
- Suffer insomnia, since some properties of cinnamon are stimulating.
- Fatigue.
- Swelling light throat, tongue and lips.
- Stomach ache, heartburn and reflux.
Laurel contraindications
- Irritation of the stomach lining, being able to suffer gastritis or aggravate ulcers.
- Iinflammation of the skin.
- Consuming a lot of laurel can overwork the liver, since it is dedicated to eliminating the active principles of the food but if it is abused the organism would be intoxicated.
Contraindications of cinnamon and bay tea
It is advisable to go to the family doctor and comment on the intention of consuming this infusion of cinnamon and laurel since could affect several aspects of our health.
- Liver disease
- Irritable bowel
- Crohn's disease.
- Children under 12 years of age.
- People prone to ulcers.
Properties of laurel to lose weight
These are some of the laurel properties that will help us lose weight:
- Eliminates the absorption of liquids.
- Digestive tonic.
- Relieves muscle aches and joint discomfort.
- Great menstrual regulator.
- Maintains good digestions, avoid heavy digestions.
- Has effects antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
- Ideal for treating mild pharyngitis, flu, or bronchitis.
- It is a diuretic plant and helps sweating.
- Reduce the stress and anxiety.
Properties of cinnamon to lose weight
The properties of cinnamon there are many and it is one of the allies for weight loss. Has
- Accelerates the nutrient absorption.
- Fight the constipation.
- Avoid abdominal bloating and removes gases.
- Accelerates metabolism.
- Thanks to its aroma and flavor, it reduces the appetite.
- Stimulates kidney activity and discard the liquids.
- Es
As you can see, bay leaf and cinnamon are two powerful ingredients that they can help you in the fight against being overweight, a little help that does no harm if it is not abused. Prepare this delicious infusion of cinnamon and bay leaf and take it whenever you can, preferably on an empty stomach and before the main meals. Accompany it with a healthy diet, free of fat and excess and do not hesitate to practice physical exercise at least three times a week.
I'm testing it .. At the moment I notice that I go to the bathroom more! I hope for results !!
Do not stop taking it if you take it strictly on an empty stomach and half an hour before going to sleep you will notice results !!!!!!
I have been drinking it for 1 week on an empty stomach and one day or another I drink it as water for thirst. And I do very well for visits to the bathroom. Now wait and see weight loss results
It is taken only on an empty stomach ... hot or cold and for how long it is taken and rests from taking ... give me the data by fis
I want to know if it has a contraindication with the thyroid I have hypothyroidism and I take Euthyrox
It is only taken hot and every day you have to do it again. Thank you for your answer.
how long can it take?
How many times a day can it be taken?… .Can it be taken after meals, or before? .. thanks
I don't have a gallbladder and I suffer from gastritis. Can I take it ???
Good morning I would like to know how long it is taken, how many times a day, it can be stored in the refrigerator.
Well I started today and the truth is that it is interesting in a week I will see the results and I tell you that it is hot fasting one cup a day but I will take during the day too
Hello, if it served you, did you lose weight?
And what happened?
Hello good morning, a person with hypertension can take it
Hello, good morning, a person with high blood pressure can take it
Hello, how about how long can it take?
I'm doing very well and shitting a lot, I hope you do the same
How long does it take?
How long can tea be stored?
I am left wondering if those who have diseases such as the thyroid or others will be able to take them, I see that some have asked and no one responsible gives an answer
I'm going to start tomorrow poor how much tempo she takes and how much tempo she leaves in the fridge and I would like to know so she looks hot or cold poor fa
I lost two kilos in 15 days but I also left the flour and scrap metal. So it was also from the effort to eat well.
I started taking it two weeks ago and I see the results before I was a size 8 now I am a size 6
It is taken hot or cold how many times a day it helps
someone really lost weight with this tea
Hello, is it normal for it to cause diarrhea? And is it still being taken or suspended?
It is normal to have diarrhea with this i
Can it be taken when you have fatty liver?
Bay leaves are dry or green
I'm taking it from today but I go to the bathroom more, my pants no
they squeeze me after lunch like before I feel good I hope to lose fat from my stomach that's what I want it's not much but it shows
How long can you take without resting from taking it and how much per day?
How long can it take? I have a thyroid and I take euthyrox,
Hello, I have a simple cyst, I am looking for a baby, I would be the second, I am 5 years old without being able to get pregnant, my gyne told me that I lose weight, weight 95: 400, can you help me by taking the tea twice a day