Aluminum and health

What is the relationship between aluminum and health? Labeled as one of the most abundant elements on the planet, an excess can be detrimental to health. However, precisely because of this abundance, avoiding exposure to it is a complicated task.

There are numerous sources of aluminum in your daily life, food being the main one, although not the only one. The following are the keys that you should know about this metal.

Related article:
Metals in the body

What if there is excess aluminum in the human body?

Aluminum enters the body primarily through food. It is considered that on average about five milligrams of aluminum are taken per day. This dose would be harmless, since it is far below what is considered dangerous for health.

However, not everyone shares that opinion. And there are people who question that the amounts that are taken are this low. Some studies on aluminum and diet attribute higher amounts to a variety of frozen and bakery products.

When there is an excess of aluminum, it can accumulate in the organs and produce a number of symptoms and health problems, from vomiting and diarrhea to more serious diseases. Some research has linked high and prolonged exposure to inflammation of the brain and an increased risk of developing diseases such as dementia.

What foods to eat rich in aluminum

Aluminum in foods can be found naturally or added during processing. It should be noted that, unlike vitamins or minerals, there would be no health benefit from including foods rich in aluminum in the diet.

Natural aluminum

Certain fish are among the foods with the most aluminum. But the contribution can vary greatly from one species to another, being very high in some and practically insignificant in others.

Fresh meat, eggs, and fruit and vegetables also contain aluminum. Spinach is the vegetable that naturally accumulates the most aluminum, far exceeding the rest.

When it comes to drinks, we must highlight the tea. With a much lower aluminum contribution are fruit juices and coffee. In contrast, the concentration of this metal in tap water would be very low.

Aluminum added

The food industry can include aluminum additives in many of its products for different purposes. It is worth considering the presence of added aluminum in processed cheeses and cocoa, as well as baking powder and pickles.

If you want to avoid it, aluminum is usually listed on the ingredient list for the product in question. However, these amounts would be safe according to different agencies, so there would be no reason to be concerned.

Other sources of aluminum

Aluminum is not limited to food, but it is also possible to find this element everywhere in your daily life. Deodorants, kitchen utensils, and soda cans are some of the things that are in most homes that contain aluminum.

Your medicine cabinet can also contain aluminum. And it is that this metal also accesses your body through over-the-counter medications, such as painkillers or antacids.


Do your armpits get red underarms after applying deodorant? This may be because many of these products contain aluminum. Allergic reactions are more likely with stronger antiperspirants.

Look for deodorants with very low levels of aluminum. And if perspiration isn't a problem, consider natural deodorants, which mask odor well but aren't as effective at preventing sweating.


Cooked quinoa

Aluminum from aluminum cookware, such as pots or pans, is safe in most cases. Nonstick and other treatments would prevent it from entering the food.

But acidic foods, like tomatoes, can dissolve these surface layers and cause more aluminum to end up in the food. Because of this, it is advisable to look for alternatives to aluminum when cooking or storing these foods.

What to do to remove aluminum from the body

There is no need to do anything special to remove aluminum from the body. Healthy people can carry out this task naturally. What you can do is take steps in your daily life to reduce exposure to this metal.

There are a few things that are considered to help keep aluminum at bay, the following being the best known:

Using alternatives to aluminum for cooking

Avoid deodorants and medications with aluminum (you can give natural substitutes a try)

Does aluminum have benefits in the body or not?

Aluminum is a substance that must be present in your body because it gives you different benefits, for this you will have to carry out a varied diet in which there is no shortage of meat, fruits, vegetables and dairy. The highest aluminum values ​​in anyone's body are in the ovaries, testes, liver, and lungs.

However, it is of fundamental importance that you know that through a large amount of research it was determined that people who do not have sufficient amounts of aluminum in their body can suffer from different disorders such as analogous alterations of vitamin B or decreased activity of the succinic dehydrogenase among other things.

Benefits of aluminum in the body

Although there are many studies that affirm that aluminum is not beneficial for health, in others we can read that the metal provides some series of positive benefits for the body:

  • It will help you to achieve an optimal development of the nervous system.
  • It will help your respiratory system work better.
  • It will help you regularize your sleep.
  • It will help you prevent your intestine from absorbing phosphorus.
  • It will help you to have a good state of ossification of your cartilage.
  • It will help you develop a better mental capacity.
  • It will help you improve the state of your joints.

If you want to know more about what are the metals in our body and why they are important to us, enter the link that we have just left you and in which we will tell you that in addition to aluminum, human beings need other metals for the proper functioning of their metabolism.

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      Alice said

    the article is totally opposite to what serious scientific studies say, aluminum is harmful to health and should be avoided, please be responsible !!!!!

         alirium said

      Studies have shown that aluminum is highly harmful to health, see aluminum files.DW

         eduardo said

      Serious Scientific Studies ?: This article calls into question such studies.

         eduardo said

      Serious scientific studies ?: This article calls into question such studies. What do you know about this topic to dismiss this article? .-

      Caesar said

    Alice: If aluminum is harmful to the body, but is still a trace element that needs to be present in the human body, it is clear that it is toxic, but everything in excess is bad. I've been researching for a while and it's not the first page I've read that says something similar.

      Caesar said

    Although if you need references to this article ¬¬

      CAROLINA said


      Fia said

    Difficult to reason in a few lines, so we will synthesize.
    All living beings have chemical elements in our composition, therefore hardly something that is part of our body is bad to eat, nature is wise, not the hand of man. The toxicity of chemical elements comes more from the form, how and the amounts in which said element is ingested than from the element itself, that is: 
    FORM: in the daily intake we take all the chemical elements, including the heavy metals arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium, barium; Lead is toxic if inhaled (handled) but not taken through tap water and in some foods it is toxic only if it has been treated with waste or handled lead.
    HOW: It is not the same to take cereals to ingest iron or copper, which are available naturally for the human body, than to take iron and copper directly, our body will reject it. HOW MUCH: We take salt every day, and it is good and necessary, but no one dares to take two tablespoons at once because they may not live to tell the tale.

    In a few words: The places where nature remains virgin, far from human manipulation, the ecosystem is abundant, healthy and rich, without problems of toxicity from food and its compounds.

         Marco said

      Scientific studies have determined that they do not find a role that aluminum develops in our body that is beneficial, on the contrary, they find that it is bad in our bodies, especially people with kidney problems because they cannot remove aluminum in the body, Apparently the body wants to get rid of aluminum but it cannot, there is aluminum in soda cans, deodorants, in kitchen pots, in short countless numbers, it is said that the human body has this aluminum, but they have not found a role to play in the human body that is beneficial, but if it is well known that if it goes to the brain it is a powerful neurotoxin, when you cook in aluminum pots do you know how much is released from them? be very careful read more please are poisoning yourself.

           Eduardo said

        The scientific comments in this article deny your claims that aluminum is harmful, and not only that, but that it is convenient for our health to consume it.

           Eduardo said

        What kind of scientific studies are those that advise against consuming natural foods because they contain aluminum? - Be very careful, please, do not want to deprive us of the excellent foods that contain aluminum, because nature has put it there for our health .-

      Mark said

    Aluminum is an abundant element in nature (inorganic), it is present in the earth's crust but it is not a fundamental part of biological processes, and in even minimal concentrations it is toxic to living beings; some people are more sensitive than others to this toxicity. Please read, find out